Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Expo
May 13th, 2023 @ the Harlem Armory
FAQ for Exhibitors
The Super Saturday STEM Expo on Saturday, May 13th, 2023 is a free, family event, featuring 100+
hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) exhibits in the 50,000 square foot Harlem Armory. Public school students (Grades Pre K – 12) and professionals exhibit together in a unique event that showcases STEM knowledge of Harlem students and renowned organizations around the city. It is held by Manhattan’s Community School District 5. This will be the 10th Super Saturday event to take place since 2008.
From clean energy demonstrations, to the science of nutrition, to educational video games, exhibits will showcase the diversity of STEM fields and the infinite applications for helping people and creating solutions to today’s challenges in health, education, environmental and more.
The goal is to create a high-quality experience for everyone who participates, but especially for students. After being a part of Super Saturday, we hope that students are inspired to take action: to get more excited about their science and math classes, sign up for a special program, pursue a STEM college education, or connect with a new mentor. Can your organization help to do that?
Who can participate?
Any group with a STEM focus can facilitate an activity booth including: museums, science and technology centers, colleges and universities, non-profits, professionals, companies, libraries, corporations, government agencies and more. Our goal is to curate a collective of high quality STEM-related organizations (large and small, from the renowned to the lesser known) in the NYC area. With the collaborative effort of all participants we will send the message that “knowledge is power” and that STEM can solve challenges in health, education, and environment, both at the global and local levels.
Why should my organization or institution participate?
Be a part of Super Saturday because you have the resources to help excite and motivate students to
consider the wide possibilities of STEM careers, education and you can show the exciting ways that
STEM is solving today’s most pressing challenges.
Besides your commitment to the goal stated above, you want:
• Opportunity for publicity and outreach in the Harlem community (attendance has ranged from
2,000 – 2,500 people)
• To meet other STEM organizations, institutions and professionals in the field
• To apply innovative teaching methodologies
• To be a STEM role model and inspire youth
• To help build a more diverse STEM community of problem solvers
When and where is the event?
The event takes place on Saturday, May 13, 2023, and is open to the public from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. It is held at the Harlem 369th Regiment Armory, 142nd St and 5th Avenue, NY, NY 10037. All exhibitors arrive between 9:00 – 10:00 AM to set up booths. *There may be an opportunity to set up / drop off materials the day before.
What community does this event serve?
We primarily serve families in upper Manhattan, and specifically the 29 schools / 13,000 students in the District 5 and Abyssinian Development communities. The event is promoted citywide with families attending from all boroughs. Attendance has ranged from 2,000 – 2,500 people.
What are the guidelines for participating?
• Exhibits clearly demonstrate applications of science, math, technology or engineering
• A stimulating experience for participants that is hands-on, interactive and experiential. All
participants should have the opportunity to touch, manipulate, investigate and interact with what
you bring
• Make it relevant – for youth, parents and educators. Each of our audience member types has
unique needs and values. Customize your method of engagement, and be prepared to be
resourceful to each. This is how we will create an enriched STEM community.
• Facilitators are personable and engaging with children and adults. They are experienced
educators that facilitate inquiry and make links to real world STEM applications.
• Activities must be suitable for indoor space (8 foot tables and/or limited floor space). The Armory
is a large, open floor space but does not have wall space.
• Activities are large or small (or medium or extra-large). We try not to limit your available space,
but we do need advance time to prepare for your needs.
• There are no sales of products or information of any kind on the premises (but you may have your
own sign-up sheets at your booth for participants to learn more about you)
What do we provide for you?
• 8 foot table (more than one table can be provided– first come, first serve upon request)
• Wi-Fi access and electricity (you will be within at least 15-20 feet of electricity access)
• Complimentary lunch and beverages
What should you bring?
• All needed materials, equipment and supplies. Bring extra extension cords, power strips – and
duct tape is usually handy!
• Signage for your booth. Free-standing banner signs and table cloths tend to work best. There is
no wall space to hang signs
• Enough staff to support your booth for the full event, as well as to take breaks and visit other
booths at the expo
• Wear clothing that represents your organization or affiliation as possible
• Snacks and water. We provide lunch and beverages for you, but it never hurts to be prepared on
this active and busy day
How does my organization participate?
Just tell us by that you would like to participate! Then, once you are approved, we will send you a form to complete, detailing the scope of your activities and your needs for the event. Submit a completed form by April 1, 2023. We love early birds!
Help promote Super Saturday
• Distribute fliers or postcards to families either by email or in person (let us know if you
need materials)
• Post the event on your website calendar
• Write a blog post, share photos or use social media to share about your involvement
(before or after the event)
• Share last year’s video or photo album
For more information about how to participate, contact Moshe Crone, SUPER SATURDAY Event Coordinator. Moshe Crone: 917.733.9816 /
Nadine Edwards / Community School District 5 / ph. 212-222-1395 x2355 /