Supporters & Sponsors

Reach a wide audience of youth, parents, and educators at the Super Saturday STEM Expo at the Harlem Armory. In 2014 we had over 2,500 event goers at expo and expect that number to increase at the 2015 event. Most attendees are from the Harlem / upper Manhattan area, but the event is promoted city-wide through local and online media outlets. There are opportunities for sponsorship as well as in-kind contributions. Click here to download information about supporter levels and benefits. If you are an interested sponsor, contact us at (212) 769-7500 Ext 236 or e-mail or


Anyone with a STEM focus can facilitate an activity booth: museums, science and technology centers, colleges and universities, non-profits,professionals, companies, libraries, corporations, government agencies and more.  Our goal is to curate a collective of high quality STEM-related organizations (large and small, from the renowned to the lesser known) in the NYC area. With the collaborative effort of all activity partners we will send the message that “knowledge is power” and that STEM can solve our world and communities’ biggest challenges in health, education, and environment. If you are interested in exhibiting, click here to download the FAQ for Exhibitors document and email or call (212) 769-7500 Ext 236.